Tuesday, November 18, 2008

First Kiss

Journal Entry January 22 1987: I am excited for the opportunity of being a mother some day. The world is so tough, and I know that so many of the children who are coming to earth are going to go through some hard times. I know that Marshall and I will have a good home with the gospel as its core. I feel so honored to know that I have the responsibility of nurturing His children in Righteousness. I I pray that as a mother I will always listen to the spirit. I am so excited!

The anticipation of the first kiss would cause my heart to skip a beat, partly for nervousness and partly for excitement. When would it happen? How would it happen? Would it ever happen? We had already been engaged for about 5 weeks, and kissing was yet to take its place. I wondered: Would it be in the car? A good night at the door? Would you just grab me and place one on me? Or would you move in slowly and would I need to cock my head to one side or the other? How would I know which side? I mean if I went left and you went right, well, that could be confusing. Were you as nervous about it as I was? Or would you maintain your calm persona and act like Humphrey Bogart? We were sitting on the floor of the playroom in the Gleed home, where I was employed as a Nanny. I remember thinking how ironic it was that you and I, about to enter into a serious, grown-up commitment like marriage, were sitting together, laughing on the floor of a “Playroom” We were sitting side by side, only in opposite directions so that my legs, sprawled out in front of me, were in the opposite direction of yours, which were sprawled out in front of you, yet behind me. We were just talking, and laughing and I turned my head to glance at you, ready to say something brilliant, and suddenly, unexpectedly, you leaned forward and gently, quickly, softly, pressed your lips against mine. It was a magical moment. All the world fell silent, my heart stopped beating, I looked into your eyes and raising my eyebrows in wonder quietly said “You’re pretty brave”. Your classic response will be cherished forever: “I can be braver.” A few days later, came kiss number two and yes, you were braver.

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