Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Eating Popsicles in the Sprinkler

Peace, quiet, warm and cool. There was you, lying in the soft, rich green grass, propped up on your elbow and me sitting close by with your head gently nudging my leg. And there was the endless sky above with countless stars shining through the vastness of space. It seemed if the entire universe surrounded just you and I as we sat eating our popsicles those hot summer nights. Our little ones were fast asleep in our apartment with their window open offering some relief from the heat of the day. We sat in the field behind our apartment, close enough so we could hear our children’s cries if they needed us, but far enough away that it felt as if there was no one else in all the world except for you and I. We heard quite often how couples needed time together, a date night, a movie, a dinner, a dance. All we needed was a Popsicle and a clear summer night sky. We sat there sometimes in deep conversation about our day, and our thoughts of our future, sometimes in silence and wonder at the magic of the moment. Those were my all-time favorite dates. Thank-you for sharing that time with me. It meant so much to me and it still means so much to me. Oh, and yes, the sprinklers did turn on once, soaking us during our revelry.

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