Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mother's Day Tribute

Mother’s Day tribute
At our Married Student Ward in BYU Family Housing the Relief Society would spotlight a sister from the ward with a tribute written by her husband. You were asked to write a tribute for me which would be read on Mother’s Day. In spite of your very busy schedule of work and school, and your apprehension at writing anything, you took great time and effort to write a beautiful tribute to me. To this day I long to live up to your kind words.

Marshall’s Mother’s Day Tribute, written by him, May 1989

She is shy, yet has managed to bless nearly everyone in the quad in one way or another. She generously gives of her time and talents to neighbor and family. Her house is always clean and for the two years of her marriage she has provided three delicious meals a day.
Besides cooking, she enjoys the Performing Arts, softball and volleyball. She is a strong hiker and has conquered challenging summits even while pregnant. She plays the piano and guitar, has written a play and in her early teens, wrote inspired music and lyrics. As a freshman, she defeated her entire school in an impromptu speech competition. Being very meticulous and reliable in her youth she was offered up t o $11.00 an hour to clean the homes of others. Exerting little effort she graduated from high school with high honors and then attended Ricks College for two years.
Her patriarchal blessing states that there will be many men who would come to seek her hand in marriage. At the time of our engagement announcement I know of at least 4 men who had their plant failed -one with drooping jaws and an open mouth and another who threatened to fight for her hand.
She has held many positions of leadership in the church including each position in the Relief Society Presidency. She is now the mother of two children and desires to enhance her life further with 3-6 more. She has won the praise of parents and her husband and is very much loved. “Happy Mother’s Day, Laura. Thanks for making the words of the following song blessings of our home.” From Your Loving Husband, Marshall:

Love at Home
There is beauty all around, when there’s love at home;
There is joy in every sound, When there’s love at home
Peace and plenty here abide, Smiling sweet on every side,
Time doth softly, sweetly glide, When there’s love at home.

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