Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Nice Physique

Journal Entry November 2, 1986: I have met many nice people here in Tacoma. In all honesty, I am a bit nervous. I can’t explain myself, but I think there will be someone in my life soon. Yes, a serious someone. I just pray that I can and always will listen and obey the spirit of truth.

Yah, I looked. Can you blame me? I mean, really, there you were in your snazzy dazzy sweat suit, (brilliant dark blue) doing your snazzy dazzy jumps, (spiking the ball) and I looked. It was volleyball night for a combined Stake Young Adult activity. You were there, and so was I and so were some of our friends from our stake and so were a number of other people we had never seen before. I saw those girls watching you, wondering about you. I knew their thoughts. They were thinking you were a nice guy, someone they should introduce themselves to. Perhaps you were “the one” they had been looking for. I knew they were talking about you. I could see it in their eyes, in their glances, and in their smiles of approval. I was watching you too. I saw how you split your time between playing volleyball, socializing and working on something for a class. You were studying in the hallway. When it was your turn to play volleyball, you would run into they gym and play a mean game until it was your turn to rotate out, then you would leave the gym and study some more. You had a charming smile that you shared with everyone. Your eyes would light up as you greeted your team members and introduced yourself to the many people who were there. I was glad that I had gotten a ride with you so that I would be one of the last people you would see that night. I knew those girls would be jealous if they knew that I was special, because I would be getting a ride home from the cute, athletic, smart guy. I actually went up to talk with them. OK, they were nice, yah they were talking about you, and they weren’t too interested in including me in their conversations. I stepped apart from them. I glanced at all the other Young Adult men in the gym. There were a lot that night, a lot that I didn’t know, and there was you. I didn’t dare look at you though. I knew what I would see, and, well, I just shouldn’t look at you right then. I avoided glancing your way. I could see from the corner of my eyes that you were there, jumping and spiking the ball, digging down and diving for your team, but I didn’t look. I had never before looked at a guy for the sole purpose of seeing how he was built. And I wasn’t going to do it now. I refused to lessen myself as a person just to see what kind of shape you were in. But after wrestling with myself about it for several minutes, I decided to just give in and look. Not just glance, but really look at you as I never looked at you before. And I saw it. Exactly what I thought I’d see. Time stood still and I saw you, in slow motion, jumping up for the ball. Your arm stretching high above your head in perfect form, your white and blue t-shirt forming tightly around your chest and your stomach showing incredible form and muscle definition. Your silky blue sweat pants waved gently around your amazing quads and your toes pointed nearly two feet off the ground. Yah, I had seen it. The figure of Michelangelo’s “David” just jumped before me and spiked the ball. Wow. Pretty Cool. I can’t believe I looked.

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