Tuesday, November 18, 2008

First Dance

Journal Entry November 13, 1986: While in prayer several days ago, I felt this huge feeling come over me and I really believe that our Father in Heaven was telling me not to give up on Marshall, that he is and will be a significant part of my life. I truly believe that I received this as inspiration and that inspiration carried with it a strong conviction that lasted for 2 days. I can not deny what I felt. . . The past 10 days have been wonderful. I have been able to talk to Marshall many times, have spent some time with him and I love who he is, what his goals and ideals are and how I feel while I am with him. He is really helping me to continue serving the Lord, and keeping high standards, and always striving to better myself. I would love to be his wife. I would always honor him, and help him to achieve his goals. Through all of this I always remember “The will of the Lord be done.”

Ya, I had a Hollywood moment. How else can I describe it. It was in the most un-romantic place, (the church gym) at the most un-romantic time (a Stake Young Adult Dance) You asked me to dance. I supposed you were bored, and could sense that I was waiting for you to ask me to dance, which I was, and you did. It was all kind of ordinary, blasé, predictable. We danced a simple swing, hand in hand when I noticed things around me started disappearing. First the chairs, then the people, then the walls and finally the music. We were there, just you and I and everything else was gone, it was just gone. You were wearing your white shirt, neatly pressed. That’s all I saw, was you in your white shirt, looking deeply into my eyes as we spun around the room in complete silence. “How is this possible?” I kept asking myself over and over, “This is all so real, yet so not possible.” The dance ended, you walked me back to my spot on the wall where I stood for a few moments, dazed and confused. “What just happened?” I kept asking myself over and over. We still dance, and the world still disappears, and there is still just you, and it is wonderful.

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